In the past true coffee fans across the globe, myself included, united on one belief; Cold coffee is not serious
coffee. The unwritten rule became one of the ten coffee commandments, “Thy shall not drink coffee without
scalding thy mouth”
As time passed, and we caffeine addicts became more adventurous and open-minded, we embraced the
chilled coffee trends with open arms. A Frappuccino or iced coffee became acceptable, even fashionable.
Then cold brew coffee came along to really shake things up!
The cold brew
The words cold brew do not make me think of coffee. Nor do I associate them with my comforting morning
caffeine fix. Cold-brew actually makes me think of a tall cool beer on a Friday evening after a long week in
the office, but that’s another passion for another time.
So the latest craze currently gripping the coffee world is cold brew, but what is it exactly?
What is cold brew coffee?
Hands up if you thought cold brew coffee was just a new way of saying iced coffee? Yep me too, guilty as
charged. However after some research and reading, I found this is not the case at all. Cold brew coffee is
actually made very differently, resulting in a different end product and taste experience.
Cold brew coffee is brewed without heat. In place of the heat cold brew uses time, lots of time. Coffee
brewed in the traditional sense uses heat to speed up the brewing process and cold brewing does not. The hot
brewing process will take minutes whilst cold brewing is usually between eight and twenty-four hours.
Think of cold brewing as the low and slow or slow cooker method of the coffee world. The longer the
brewing process the stronger, more intense, and bolder the taste and flavors become.
With a typical iced coffee we are drinking a coffee brewed the traditional way, fast and with and with heat.
The coffee is then cooled down to become an iced coffee. So its simply a typical espresso or cappuccino
with ice and cold milk.
After learning about the cold brew process of course I had to carry out a taste test. Having now sampled cold
brew, and compared it to a standard iced coffee, I can confirm that the taste difference is phenomenal. I
previously enjoyed a simple and traditional iced coffee, especially on a Summer’s day, but now I have
experienced cold brew I don’t think I’ll ever look back. Long live the cold brew coffee.
I found the cold brew to be sweeter and stronger, but with no nasty after bitter taste. Also good news for
those who suffer from acid reflux or indigestion, cold brew coffee is naturally less acidic. Due to the slow
process, the caffeine content is much higher, and therefore the hit is much more effective. You have been
warned, this is for true coffee fans and not the faint hearted.
With more companies and franchises starting to experiment with cold brew coffee I can really see this
becoming a trend that sticks around and passes the test of time.…